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Bara Jonson and Free became nominated ‘Best Emerging Artist – International’ at Indie Week Showcase Festival in Toronto, Canada 2019, then they were selected and announced INES#Talent 2020-2021  


They call their music Crockpop (Country/Rock/Pop)


Signed to a Canadian management company Entertainment Music Group (EMG) based on the attention garnered from their song ‘Hello Newfoundland’ which held a #1 position for 8 straight weeks on the international charts due to their extended Canadian fan base.  


The duo has become a frequent feature on the live stages around Sweden. Their tours have also reached into Denmark, Holland, Germany, UK and Canada. Bara Jonson and Free were excited to perform at the official MIDEM showcase at Morrison's in Cannes, France also in 2019.


In 2023 they will head out on a Canadian tour and also perform at Spike Festival in Bulgaria.


‘Sky Is The Limit/New Era’ became the duos third album and was released in 2022. Producer also this time is the acclaimed Amir Aly, Yla Studios.


Born out of frustration with the pandemic, Bara Jonson and Free decided to stop their wait and instead start to create. In a month and a half, they went from an idea to launch a successful music festival in a concept of their own, “Lilla By Festivalen”, the small town festival. The way it used to be!

2022 it had already grown into a hybrid festival, something between festival and showcase.


2023 they launch Kristianstad Music Days.



Bara Jonson och Free blev nominerade till 'Best Emerging Artist – International' på Indie Week Showcase Festival i Toronto, Kanada 2019, sedan valdes de ut och tillkännagavs INES#Talent 2020-2021


De kallar sin musik Crockpop (Country/Rock/Pop)


Signerade till ett kanadensiskt managementbolag Entertainment Music Group (EMG) baserat på uppmärksamheten från deras låt 'Hello Newfoundland' som hade en #1-position i 8 raka veckor på de internationella listorna på grund av deras utökade kanadensiska fanbas.


Duon har blivit ett frekvent inslag på livescenerna runt om i Sverige. Deras turnéer har även nått till Danmark, Holland, Tyskland, Storbritannien och Kanada.

Bara Jonson och Free var glada över att uppträda på den officiella MIDEM-showcasen på Morrisons i Cannes, Frankrike också 2019.


2023 kommer de att bege sig ut på en kanadensisk turné och även uppträda på Spike Festival i Bulgarien.


’Sky Is The Limit/New Era’ blev duos tredje album och släpptes 2022. Producent även denna gång är den hyllade Amir Aly, Yla Studios.


Bara Jonson och Free, i ren frustration över pandemin, bestämde sig för att sluta vänta och istället börja skapa. På en och en halv månad gick de från idén till att lansera en framgångsrik musikfestival i ett eget koncept, småstadsfestivalen "Lilla By Festivalen". Så som det brukade vara!


2022 hade den redan vuxit till en hybridfestival, något mellan festival och showcase. 2023 lanserar de Kristianstads Musikdagar.

Press Quotes

Press Quotes

“Bara Jonson and Free's music is affecting, moving, touching, stirring and powerful...” CASHBOX Magazine CANADA

“Catchy folk music pop that belongs on an edition of the Country Music Association Awards any modern day of the week, is another way to describe the duo's music. The feeling for hooks, bridges and the melody is evident, the musicality is great.” – Kristianstadsbladet

“And somehow between Country, Singer/Songwriter and Folk, the two prove on "Synergy" that you can breathe new life into these genres, if you focus on its roots, less musical bells and whistles by simply putting the song in the center of the effort.” Haiangriff

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